I started Pantone Smoothies as a delicious color experiment seeking an answer to the question: is it possible to create tasty smoothies in any Pantone color?
Quickly after I started the project the media went nuts. It was picked up by publications across the world and currently has some 180 000 search results on google wiht articles and shares by Buzzfeed, Fubiz, Metro, etc,
The images were also later showcased at the exhibit Edible Tales at Taiwan Design Museum.
Quickly after I started the project the media went nuts. It was picked up by publications across the world and currently has some 180 000 search results on google wiht articles and shares by Buzzfeed, Fubiz, Metro, etc,
The images were also later showcased at the exhibit Edible Tales at Taiwan Design Museum.
Read interviews about the project:
Air France Magazine,
Design Boom, The Skinny.
Explore more colors:
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Air France Magazine,
Design Boom, The Skinny.
Explore more colors:
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I was commissioned to photograph pantone smoothies for the 2016/17 annual edition of GEO Germany.

Featured at Taiwan Design Museum

Collaboration with WeTransfer.